Schneider Componon-S 50mm F/2.8 Enlarging Lens

since: 2018/09/09

1. Schneideroptics Componon-S
2. schneider_enlarging_lenses
3. Schneider Componon S 50mm f/2.8 Enlarging Lens — Close-up Photography

4. Scheider 50mm f/2.8 enlarging lens review
5. Schneider Componon-S 50mm f/2.8 Enlarging Lens for 35mm Negatives


Resolution vs. Aperture:

The sharpest aperture is f/4.7, better than average for a lens of this focal length. Most are sharpest at about f/5.6, with the exception of the Nikon 55/2.8 micro at f/4.
銳利的光圈為f / 4.7,優於該焦距鏡頭的平均值。 除了f / 4的尼康55 / 2.8微距外,大多數都在f / 5.6左右最銳利。

The most resolving aperture is also f/4.7.
最大分辨率的光圈也是f / 4.7

This means that f/4.7 is a good aperture to shoot at for sharpness and resolution. The only drawback to using f/4.7 is the not so hot corner sharpness at lower magnification (see next section).
這意味著f / 4.7是一個很好的光圈,可以拍攝清晰度分辨率 使用f / 4.7的唯一缺點是在較低放大倍率下不太熱的角落銳度。

