Konica Hexar AF Silver

since: 2017/11/03
update: 2017/11/03

1. Konica Hexar AF: the ultimate compact camera
2. 光之刺青(十五):35mm 的利器|Konica Hexar AF 短暫使用後感
3. 自動對焦的 Leica M6? Konica Hexar AF 銀巧思使用回顧
4. 超強的傻瓜相機Konica Hexar Silver 
5. 容老師的老相機: 第十七部︰自動對焦的M機 Konica Hexar AF
6. 半個夜郎,半個江郎: 相機碎碎唸。Konica Hexar AF
7. 膠片旁軸入門之 Hexar AF,無聲之匕 - 壹讀
8. Picking a few holes in the untouchable - A Konica Hexar review - 35mmc
9. The Konica Hexar AF - Guest Review by Rob MacKillop
10. Konica Hexar AF
11. 寒 山 石 徑: 〔相機〕Konica Hexar使用報告
12. Vintage Camera Review: Hexar AF (A Beautiful Camera)

Enabling Silent Mode

The much-wanted Silent Mode is present in all Konica Hexar AF camera's. The original black camera's had it enabled in the factory but in any other model, you can enable it yourself. Here is what you do!

1: With camera off and no film loaded, turn the aperture dial to F22.

2: Switch the camera on and press the SELECT button. The LCD display will show +/-0.0.

3: Press the SELECT button again. The LCD display will show [0].

4: Switch the camera off, then back on again. Do not press any buttons. LCD Display shows [0].

5: The following button-pushing sequence puts the camera into ROM mode. Use the Left-Right exposure compensation buttons: 

Press right button 1 time 

Press left button 2 times

Press right button 3 times 

Press left button 4 times

Press right button 3 times 

Press left button 2 times 

Press right button 1 time 

The camera will respond by cycling its focus and the display will show the flashing number '232'.

6: Turn aperture dial from f22 to f13 (the spot between f11 and f16). LCD display shows A[3F] (some camera's show A[38], not to worry). Use the left exposure compensation button to set this value to A[00]

7: Turn aperture dial to f16. The LCD display shows D[22] (or possibly D[FB])

8: Set this value to D[FA] with the exposure compensation button. 

9: Power off. The display shows f16. 
10: Press shutter release button for 2 secs. f16 disappears, camera switches off. 


