藝術欣賞: Odd Nerdrum: Dead Cat

since: 2023/06/08

1. 筑是藝術專業畫室
2. 素描初繪:零基礎也可以輕鬆學素描
3. 藝術鑑賞線上課程 - 筑是藝術專業畫室
4. 【素描初繪24單元】 - 筑是藝術專業畫室
5. 【透明水彩技法24單元】 - 筑是藝術專業畫室

靜物: sketch-01 ~ sketch-27

7. 人像:
sketch-28 ~ sketch-51

8. 鉛筆素描:
- 靜物: 珍視
- Notre-Dame de Paris: Le Stryge

- Girl With The Pearl Earring
- 石膏像: 思念 
- 骨骼: 頭部正面
- 骨骼: 頭部側面
- 肌肉: 頭部與頸部
- 石膏像: 羅馬少女胸像
- 石膏像: 琴女

- 繪畫解剖學: 貓科(上)
- 繪畫解剖學: 貓科(下)
- 素描練習: 單眼
- 人像: Anthony Hopkins
- 石膏像: 塞納河的無名少女
- 雕像: 復活天使
- 人像: Camille Claudel

9. 油畫:
- 油畫初體驗
- 油畫入門: 繪畫材料
- 古典靜物
- 油畫入門: 筆觸與調色練習
- 油畫教程: 色調模式
- 靜物: 布

10. 炭筆素描:
- 炭筆素描: 工具
- 石雕: 誇利亞紀念碑(局部)
- 米洛的維納斯

11. 線上課程(體驗)
- 線上課程: 水彩: 靜物~2

12. 藝術鑑賞(線上課程心得)
- 藝術鑑賞: 古希臘: 雅典衛城
- 藝術鑑賞: 兩河流域: 亞述帝國

13. 素描基礎(線上課程)
- 素描基礎~5

14. 透明水彩基礎(線上課程)
- 透明水彩基礎: 單元二十四: 花卉

15. The Florence Academy of Art Collective

- 莎樂美的詭計
- 通過形式表達思想

16. 人體素描
- 人體素描: 常用素描畫材介紹 Ep.1
- 人體素描: 頸部

- 人體素描: 男性 3/4 正面

- Gisbert Combaz - Tree & Valley 1898
- 莎樂美的詭計
- The Tarot of Leonora Carrington
- Gradiva

18. 冉茂芹(線上課程)
- 冉茂芹: 素描: 石膏像: 美第奇

19. 泰納畫室(線上課程)
- 繪畫關鍵必修課: 從水多畫到水少與重疊法

20. 渲染裡遇見貓(線上課程, 未完成)
- 渲染裡遇見貓: 水彩用具的介紹及挑選
- 渲染裡遇見貓: 草稿

21. 油畫基礎
- 油畫基礎: 畫具介紹
- 油畫基礎~1.漸層練習
- 油畫基礎~2.色階練習
- 油畫基礎~3.梨子

- 油畫基礎~4.檸檬
- 油畫基礎~5.橘子
- 油畫基礎~6.芒果
- 油畫基礎~7.茄子
- 油畫基礎~8.瓷器花瓶
- 油畫基礎~9.金屬茶壺
- 油畫基礎~10.玻璃物體
- 油畫基礎~11.紙袋
- 油畫基礎~12.素面布
- 油畫基礎: 靜物一

22. 歷史天使
- 歷史天使: 文本


23. 藝術欣賞(名畫)
- 藝術欣賞: Abbott Handerson Thayer: Angel
- 藝術欣賞: Jean-Siméon Chardin: Still Life


- Odd Nerdrum - 114 artworks - painting
- Odd Nerdrum Official Website
- Odd Nerdrum - Wikipedia



A. 說明
Odd Nerdrum (born 8 April 1944) is a Norwegian figurative painter, born in Sweden. [1] His work is held by museums worldwide. Themes and style in Nerdrum's work reference anecdote and narrative. Primary influences by the painters Rembrandt and Caravaggio help place his work in direct conflict with the abstraction and conceptual art considered acceptable in much of Norway. Nerdrum creates six to eight paintings a year. They include still life paintings of small, everyday objects (like bricks), portraits and self-portraits, and large paintings allegorical and apocalyptic in nature. The figures in Nerdrum's paintings are often dressed as if from another time and place.[2]
Odd Nerdrum(生於 1944 年 4 月 8 日)是一位出生於瑞典的挪威具像畫家。 [1] 他的作品被世界各地的博物館收藏。 Nerdrum 作品的主題和風格參考了軼事和敘述。 畫家倫勃朗和卡拉瓦喬的主要影響使他的作品與挪威大部分地區認為可以接受的抽象和概念藝術直接衝突。 Nerdrum 每年創作六到八幅畫。 它們包括小型日常物品(如磚塊)的靜物畫、肖像和自畫像,以及具有寓言和世界末日性質的大型繪畫。 Nerdrum 畫作中的人物通常穿著彷彿來自另一個時間和地點。 [2]

Nerdrum was born in Helsingborg, Sweden, because his parents were resistance fighters who had fled German-occupied Norway during World War II. At the end of the war Nerdrum returned to Norway with his parents. By 1950 Nerdrum's parents had divorced leaving the mother to raise Nerdrum and his younger brother. In 1993, Nerdrum discovered his father was not his biological father; his mother had had a relationship with the architect David Sandved. Nerdrum was born from this liaison.
Nerdrum 出生在瑞典的赫爾辛堡,因為他的父母都是二戰期間逃離德國占領的挪威的抵抗戰士。 戰爭結束後,Nerdrum 和他的父母回到了挪威。 到 1950 年,Nerdrum 的父母離婚,留下母親撫養 Nerdrum 和他的弟弟。 1993 年,Nerdrum 發現他的父親不是他的親生父親; 他的母親與建築師大衛·桑維德 (David Sandved) 有過一段關係。 Nerdrum 就是從這種聯繫中誕生的。

Nerdrum was educated in a Rudolf Steiner school and later at the Art Academy of Oslo. Disillusioned with the art form taught at the academy and with modern art in general Nerdrum began to teach himself to paint in a post-modern style with Rembrandt and Caravaggio as influences. In 1965, he began a several-months study with the German artist Joseph Beuys. Nerdrum says that his art should be understood as kitsch rather than art as such. On Kitsch, a manifesto composed by Nerdrum, describes the distinction he makes between kitsch and art.[3] Nerdrum's philosophy has spawned The Kitsch Movement among his students and followers, who call themselves kitsch painters rather than artists.

Nerdrum 在 Rudolf Steiner 學校接受教育,後來在奧斯陸藝術學院接受教育。 對學院教授的藝術形式和一般的現代藝術感到失望,Nerdrum 開始自學以倫勃朗和卡拉瓦喬為影響的後現代風格繪畫。 1965年,他開始與德國藝術家約瑟夫·博伊斯進行為期數月的學習。 Nerdrum 說他的藝術應該被理解為媚俗而不是藝術本身。 Nerdrum 撰寫的宣言《論媚俗》(On Kitsch) 描述了他對媚俗和藝術的區分。 [3] Nerdrum 的哲學在他的學生和追隨者中催生了媚俗運動,他們稱自己為媚俗畫家而不是藝術家。


B. 備註

